Tuesday, July 9, 2013

FIRST ONLINE game "EVAH!!!!!!"

 DNSEA first MMORPG 'evah!' from the influence of the fellow housemate.

>_< huhuhuh first screen shot ever made (above) when try identify all button function >_< ^_^ , I still remember it got my blood into my head for the first time online gaming in my history, really gald it a good game.

The picture arranged through the date taken,

THE first CHARA was pretty hard (real hard on the naming >_< (not use to)) so i put it "REUIZI". the truth is i don't remember her name in "touhou" at that time, so i mistaken from "RE I UZI" the "RE U IZI" >_<, but it turn out ok (maybe)

 first time found the 'MALAYSIA's' national flag >_< (wow) uhmm, this next picture was taken during lvl 21,

 now this picture taken when reuizi lvl reach 48 (2 more max lvl >_<) couple of day before i promote this game to my brother, then i gave him the instruction manual how to install it >_< , our medium is DROPBOX

MAX lvl, then RAID the NEST (which is the challenge part of the game came) with fellow housemate and friends >_< (party of 4 (max) per raid), notice the character turn to spirit when they died T_T, meaning all died together >_< ,

 during this i still don't understand the mechanic of the game, such as "iframe" "phtisical attack" "magic attack" "stat, agi int vit str" "potential code" "suffix" "buff".

you can say that even i reach lvl 50 (max) my stat is still on par with lvl 32 T_T, i think the main reason all our party died,

anyway tired writing, (haven't practice to write this long for long time >_<) so more to come for the other character to come and the more powerfull gear to craft, (that is when I feel like to write again >_<)

MA TA NEEE!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

( TT__TT )

hopes up and down to install classic retro game 'battle commander' huuuuuhuhuuu,>_<